Our first day of homeschool has come and gone. Daddy was even here to join in on our excitement. We started later than I wanted to, but Isaac's teacher was kept awake the night before by a needy baby. I guess she needed more sleep or something of the sort! Our day began with calendar time, followed by introducing our character virtue (attentiveness) and our Bible verse:
Pay attention, my child, to what I say. Listen carefully. Proverbs 4:20. We then spent some time reading from Isaac's story Bible. I piggy-backed off of his Sunday school lesson on creation. It makes me smile that he enjoys his Bible time in his class. I love that we can continue reinforcing the same truths at home. After our morning devos, we worked together on letter sounds and had a snack. We finished our day with letter and number tracing, a read aloud, and reading CVC words (hat, hop, set, big, etc). I'm happy that we're off and running with homeschool. I count it a privilege to teach and lead my precious, growing boy. I see many fun times in our future homeschooling endeavors.

Daddy tried getting a picture of us. Isaac was a bit shy about it.

Morning calendar time. We need to add a few elements, but he's quickly getting the hang of it and asks to put the number up each morning.

There's the real Isaac smile I know and love!

Working diligently on letter tracing. My little lefty; it's so cute watching him write.
My sweet, blue-eyed, almost four-year-old boy!
How is your school year going so far?
Barely 4 and already schooling! I'm impressed. Best wishes for your school year. BTW he is so stinkin' adorable.
Glad you are off to a good start!
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